This document is 34 scanned pages comprising a brochure promoting the services
of AQD circa 1980. Sections include AQD At Work, Aircraft, Engines, Equipmant,
Materials, General Services, Apprentices and a Historical Note.
The pages are in order from front cover through to rear cover, so you could, if
so inclined, print a 'page' at a time, front then back to get a true
representation of the original.
Points of interest
Page 17 is Phil Baxter (1975 Intake)
Page 21 is Peter Dixon (1975 Intake)
document will be of particular interest to those serving their
apprenticeships between 1968 and 1972 as a number of then apprentices appear in it.
The original was in colour but has been scanned in greyscale as some of
the colours masked the text.
Points of Interest
Front Cover L to R 1968 Intake: Graham Newell, Karen Tremble, George Meager (Labs), Colin Gale,
Clive 'Chubby' Hester
Page 6 (as marked) Rear L to R 1969 Intake: Andy Barret, Steven Millmore, Tony Alford, Lesley Wilson,
Julian Mallet, Keith Hamilton.
Front L to R: Brian Smith (Instructor) , Mick Wells
Page 7 (as marked) 1968 Intake Mid Left: Dave Marks (Instructor), Greg Biggs
Mid Right: Ian Buckle, Martyn Cole ?, Ian McGillivray, Karen Tremble, Unknown (Labs)
Page 12 (as marked) Runners - at least one has to be Gerry Galvin, help required.
Rear Cover - Clive 'Chubby' Hester Bottom Centre,
Richard Dawson in Life Raft(Taken on the ground level water tank
adjacent to boundary wall near Kings Head).
Help required for others.
This is a document by
Dave Marks, an ex-apprentice who turned to the dark side and
became an instructer in the Apprentice section from the late
1960's. Dave
has provided a lot of information used on this site.
This document was
scanned and OCR'd from the typed original giving an interesting insight into
the origins of AID
Author Unknown
This is a 30 page HTML
document compiled by L.D. Jarvis and K. Meekoms and documents the history of
Harefield House from 1750 until 1982.
is a 56 page HTML document which outlines the beginings of
the expansion of A.I.D and its contribution through WW II. The pages
did not lend themselves to OCR or cleaning up as too much detail would
have been lost, so have been scanned as pictures. The finished width is
more than normal due to the layout of the publication and the need to
keep the text legible.
Author K.J. Meekcoms
This is a 48 page HTML
document which outlines the history of and documents the facilities available
in the Test House from the mid 1930's. It includes a number of photographs. The
type quality and tabulated content of some pages did not lend itself to
successful OCR.
The author(s) and date of the publication are not known.
This document shows the way all
aspects of the defence industry have been brought under a single umbrella
Apprenticeship 'Scrap Book'
collection of pictures and items of interest from the apprenticeship
years. Originally intended for the 25th anniversary but covers all
years, with some omissions.
scanned to pdf file, but at 45 Mbytes this is too large, currently
working on reducing the size, link to follow before 2012 reunion.