Apprentices and Others

The following is a list of Apprentices, Supervisors and Support staff who many of you will know. It is now reasonably complete but any additional information will be greatly appreciated. It is compiled from the following sources:
1) A book created by Laura F Andreotti for the 1982 closure reunion.
2) A database created by Andy Hunt for the 1993 reunion.
3) The current database maintained by Ian McGillivray.

Entries followed by * have a current contact address.

Entries (In Curved Brackets) were not on the offical photo.

Entries [In Square Brackets] have no official record card.
A scanned copy of your record card can be e-mailed on request.

Entries followed by (D) are, unfortunately, Deceased.

Otherwise, I only have 'last known' address details or no contacts details.

The entries within each year are, for the most part, in the order they appear on the photograph

Supervisors and Support Staff

R.J. Percy Mrs. J.R. Foale * Dave Marks* Cyril Darton (D)
Terry McMahon Jack Life* Peter Vipond * Brian Smith
H. Matthews H. Howells C. Fletcher O.K. Arnold
Joe Palmer John Morris Bert Shears (D) Jim Young
 Bob Ellis  'Bunny' Hunt    

{short description of image}

The Tubes

{short description of image}
A number of ex-apps. have made reference to the above alias, I will leave the source to your imagination.


J.R.P. Ashby Peter North M.G. Greaves Laurence Harwood
Brian Blestow * David Shaw Keith Wayte Ronald Thomas
Gordon Kennard (David Stubbs) (John Mitchel)


Brian Sutherland Peter Ellis R.A.L. Kuhn Godfrey Cozens
Dennis Geottel John Spear Peter Oram D.W. Bedford
Mike Greaves Colin Nesbitt D.P.A. Gibson Jonathan Evans


Colin Clark Mike Espezel * Peter Berkley * James Casey
Neville Woodley Johhny Brindle Ronald W. Davis Mike Try *
Dr. Kenneth Keeping


Peter Patient Norman Bowring Colin Matthews * Kenneth Logue *
Neil Woodford (D) Brian Anderson Geoffrey Pratt Leslie R. Johnstone *
Edward Ashill Alan Waltho Ian Shiner Mike Carter
Mike Hawes (Ian Ebel)


James Hunt John Satchwell Brian R. Smith John Price
Roger White Brian Fereday Montague Gatehouse * Michael Metcalf
J. Thorpe-Foulsham Christopher Edinboro * David (M) Sanderson *


Peter Cabban * David Watkins Mike Stone * Roger Vance
Colin Hart William Gregory Martin Longstaff (D) Robert Miles
Edward Kirkpatrick Barry Norgate (John White) (Norman Brown)
(David Blunden) (Norman Morris) (John Paterson)


Michael Bennett Dr. Barry Coburn (D) Alan Goswell * Brian Baxendale
Anthony Pouyanne John Murrell Roy Hill [Peter Bray *]


David MacDonald David Saunders Peter Haynes R. Ibertson *
Mick Gentry Colin Sterch Geoff Turner S. Wiggington


Anthony Sadler Michael Battersby David Campkin Derek Nurse
Ian Frogley * Micheal Strode Phil S. Crabtree Peter Temple
David Park (Phil Hamilton)


Dave Rigby Les Alcott Robert Gorth Alan Parker
John Storey Paul Jackman Keith Climpson Duncan Ross
John Colbert David Litherland Gordon Franklin Phillip Tealing *
Victor Stoneham Roger Carlin Barrie Glover (Mick Gentry -1960)

1963 (No Photo)

Anthony Allen Jonathan Skeat Stephen Hopps Graham Crewe *
Richard Rawlings Peter Wood Ghanshyam Tahil Colin Creek
Ian Plested Dennis Chadwick Paul Carruthers Anthony Anderson
Martin Luke *      


Colin Hosford * William Whellams Bryan Knell Christopher Perry
Colin Frazer John Fulker Ian C. Ward Ian D. Ward
Roger Cadwallader * John Trivass Peter Robertson Jeffrey Court
Anthony Howarth Paul Waterman Paul Titchner (Robert Gregory)
(Martin Luke *) (John Barrett) (Paul Heighes) (David Buck)


Phil Borroughs* John Coombes * Graham Johnson Tiny Withers
Michael Sapsard * David Metcalfe Philip Nash * Dave Croft
Howard Stoneham Barry Chandler Chris Tordoff David Marks *

1966 (No Photo)

Christopher Pecover * Tim Wise * Malcolm Sorrell Michael Atkins *
Meyrich R Roberts Michael Watkins Peter Crick Steve James *
Geoffrey Bull


Peter Taylor Peter Kavanagh Roy Olding * Richard Brophy *
Dave Everard John Bridgen Michael Stockbridge Bob Lipscombe
Ken Batchelor * Michael Fellows Richard Swain Neil McDonah
David Gooding * Phil Brown Melvin Ochs Robin Swaisland *
Dick Toose Ken Officer Kenneth Heath * Martin Weimar
Roger Gomm * Charles Bailey Raymond E. Bailey Michael MacDonald
Roger Mills Kenneth Rose [M. Miles]


Michael Jenkins Greg Biggs Dave Clarke Alan Radford *
Perry Martin-Loat Ian McGillivray * Geoff Johnson * Ian Griffin
Paul Frost Dave Newson * David Kirby Martyn Cole *
Lawrence Jones Derek Sharp * Stephen Andrew * Richard Thomas
Clive Hester * Robert Burns * Richard Roberts * Roy Thrower
Ian Buckle * Andy Hunt * Karen Tremble * Graham Newall *
Neil Revington * Colin Gale * (Geoff Crowhurst *) (Jim Main)


Tony Alford * Tim Parry John Wheatcroft * Andy Barrett *
Julian Mallett Peter Ray * Robert Boulton Colin Dowsett
Keith Hamilton Michael Wells * Alvin Rees Dave Lampard (D)
Martin P-Smith * Gary Ward Tim South Paul Tiney
Jeffrey Bowden Steven Millmore Phil Thomas Lewis Treharne *
Andrew Slade


Gerard Galvin * Angus MacDonald * Richard Eason * Bruce Penrose *
Peter Bate Michael Loman * Roger Allen Andrew Pendleton
Peter Stapleton * Donald Boulton * Colin Easter * David Reed *
Graham Spurgeon Ann Deaves Robert Gilbertson


Roger Haviland * Peter Suttling * Stephen Barrie-Jones John Logan
Philip Rose * Peter Gaulton * Malcolm Evans Richard Ellis
Colin Slinn Alan Batchelor Brian Jelfs Donald Stewart
Jenny Pope * Malcolm Miles


Richard Dawson Colin Hammersley Neil Conlon * Michael J Hoskin *
Albert Reddick P. Moore Nick Haycocks Adrian Brushfield *
Ross Fountain Michael Websper Ian Keleher Kevin Burrows
Anne Thomson Trevor Thorpe


Paul Crook David Curtis Karl Medhurst Dave Brundell
John Ferriman Anthony Baynham Alan Mitchinson Graham Peacock *
Paul Heritage


Bryan Walker Steven Iverson Jonathan Hill * Robert Major
Mark Winwright Peter Willes Stephen Chamberlain (Derek Forrest)


David Hobson Kevin Davis Chris Dawes Peter Dixon
Christopher Glass Mike Sheard Nigel Mackie Maldwyn James
Godfrey Feeney Keith Velaque Graham Smith Kevin Russel
Steven Williams Robin Sparkes (Nigel Speck) Philip Baxter *
Judith Hornby * John Greenwood Antony Bolton Neil Ivison
Brent Nicholson Graham Oliver * Steve Freed (Neil Dixon)
(Jeremy Sparr)


Raymond Clarke * Simon Keast Clive Warrilow David Purchase
Graham Barradell Stephen Pearson * Richard Wells *


Steve Fenwick Anthony Morris Michael Massey Nigel Robertson
W. Bruce Taylor * Vincent Carrott Brian Iddenden Peter Worthington
Quentin Hart-Slater * Ian Lyons Duncan Clark Michael Pontin


John Davis Stephen Hayes John Phillimore Lawrence McClaren
Stephen Slaughter William Patton Stewart Thackray Neil Carter
Chris Dunn * Mark Suitters


Gareth Bartlett Dave Foxwell Graham Fletcher James Hudson
Kevin Poile * Brett Lowery Andrew Wedge Rod Thomas
Ashley Scott Trevor Fielder Mike Filder * Adam Long *
(Laura Andreotti *) (Jon Taylor *)


There is a photograph of this intake but no record cards
Any help would be appreciated
Mark Rayner Paul Wilkinson Paul Norris Ian Norman
Paul Cox * Bernard Holdsworth David Palmer Caroline Clifton
John Morrice Keith Baker    


There is a photograph of this intake but no record cards
Any help would be appreciated


Dave Hutchinson Bob Brown Tim Illing Tony David
Trevor White Guy Murray * Kevin Peel Peter Loud
Nick Fryer Sandra MacKinnon    

Student Engineers

?? Michael George ?? ??
?? Peter Castle ?? ??